One thing I have wanted with this celebration is connection. We all have reasons to celebrate, opportunities to grow from, and insights that can inspire others.
I have truly enjoyed the responses shared in this month's giveaway.
To recap some highlights, here are your responses:
Let's celebrate together!
What Will You Celebrate this Year?
My first book release! I've been in a huge funk the past few months, and I'm working to pull myself out. So, I will also celebrate redefining myself and moving forward.
Being published
Share a 2023 goal that makes you feel vulnerable (and excited).
I plan to go to the gym for the first time, for better health.
I plan to start counseling.
Try to lose 50 lbs.
Organizing my home has me feeling vulnerable because it's so much!
A 2023 goal for myself is to be on the carnivore diet and lose 30 lbs.
This year I want to play in more pickleball tournaments. I'm not that great but want to get better!
My goal this year is to lose weight at least 30lbs
Share how or when you stepped outside your comfort zone.
I stepped out of my comfort zone when I received an electric wheelchair. It is completely different to drive than anything I ever have driven.
Stepping outside my comfort zone happened when my cousin convinced me to enter some of my photos in the state fair. Feeling super unqualified, I took the plunge. And I won some awards! Which I really was not expecting to do.
Writing my book that is about mine and my husband's transplant. It's very revealing about my life and makes me feel vulnerable.
Admitting to my daughter that I was wrong on something
What advice could you share about being outside your comfort zone?
Try to do it more often you might surprise yourself
Pray. I know that sounds simple, but when I'm outside my comfort zone, the Lord helps me. I can do all things through Christ!
It is hard work but worth it.
Want to add your answer to these responses?
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Answer a Question!
What Will You Celebrate this Year?
Being Outside Your Comfort Zone
Contest ends Jan 30th.