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Bookstores speak to my soul!

"The world is moving to e-books!" I know. I've heard it.

"Look at the music industry. Books will follow that trend." I know. I've heard that one too.

As a reader, I've seen the value in reading from an e-reader. As an author, I know firsthand the great freedom and opportunities that come through e-books.

I've participated in the debates over will print books die. I've listened to the array of questions and considerations. But most importantly, I've seen the concerning status of our bookstores - especially our independent bookstores.

I don't know what the future holds in regards to print books for authors, publishers, agents, distributors, retail bookstores, or indie bookstores. My firm belief is print will never truly die, BUT the future as we know it will continue to shift.

In the midst of these changing times, I must say thank you to ALL, especially indie bookstores, that keep the magic of bookstores still alive.

As an author, there's something absolutely magical in seeing your book in a bookstore. It makes you smile with deep satisfaction. A product you worked years to build now can be displayed. Others can pick it up, look at it, flip it over and see if they want to invest their time in a story you so passionate shared.

As a reader, a bookstore is a physical place where everything feels right in the world. It's a place you can step into and be surrounded by knowledge, adventures, hope, and dreams. A physical location that offers you so much!

If I could never again walk into these personable and unique indie bookstores—and miss out on the smells, the touch, the look, the sounds—that would be a very, very sad day! Bookstores speak to my soul!

Thank you to all the independent bookstores that work so hard to stay in business. Thank you for the rich treasures you offer your community. Thank you for fighting to give us a physical place in which we can still feel the magic of books!

A personal thank you to Little Professor Book Center, The King's English, SuzyQBooks, and the Dog-Eared Page for letting me have such cherished experiences in your wonderful stores! May many recognize the rich resources you bring to the world.


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© 2015 by Tara C. Allred

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