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Progress Report: Book Three

I'm ecstatic about my third novel. I truly believe this is my best novel yet!

If I just had 48 hours in a day, I believe the novel would be almost complete. But in the meantime, here is the status:

  • No book title yet!

  • First draft is 75% complete.

  • A talented, constructive, and critical alpha reader has provided exceptional feedback. Thank you, Alisa!

  • Perhaps you might be the lucky one who gets to title this book.

  • Manuscript will be ready for beta readers this fall. If you'd like to be a beta reader (who gets an early peek at my next novel and is an active participant in the creation process) please email me @

AUTHOR SIDENOTE: This photo totally captures the look of the main character, Savannah Childs. I'm super excited for my readers to meet this passionate teacher and her ten students. There is love, mystery, murder, lies, quirks, and humor. I can't wait to write the final pages! And that is what keeps me going as a writer - I can't wait to READ the ending!


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© 2015 by Tara C. Allred

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